Boost Your Mood with Hilarious Self-Regulation Techniques!

First and foremost - wherever your are in your nervous system right now is OK. And, it’s important that we train our nervous system to be flexible. That’s how we build resilience. A big part of my days these days revolves around self-regulation. You would not believe how easy it is for me to become dysregulated! 🥴

I do believe that maintaining a healthy and regulated nervous system is key to a happy and fulfilling life. So, without further ado, here are some light hearted ways to give your nerves a break and let your inner joy shine!

  1. Dance Like No One's Watching: Put on your favorite jam (find me on Spotify 😜 ), unleash your funky moves, and boogie your way to a carefree state of mind. Extra points for incorporating any thing from my signature nAnFRO Beats classes.

  2. Silly Faces Therapy: Grab a mirror or turn on your phone’s camera to you, make the weirdest faces you can imagine, and observe as your frown magically transforms into a belly-aching giggle. Don't hold back—let your inner comedian run wild!

  3. Animal Impersonations: Channel your inner zoo enthusiast and imitate your favorite animals. Whether it's a roaring lion or a waddling penguin, the sheer absurdity will surely bring a smile to your face and lighten your mood. No really, try it.

  4. Punny Joke-a-Day: Laughter is contagious, so why not share a daily dose of hilarity? Challenge yourself to find the wackiest puns or jokes and spread the laughter virus among your friends, family, and coworkers. I’m not the best at this admittedly… my humor be dry AF sometimes.

  5. Goofy Gadgets Galore: Embrace the wonderful world of silly gadgets! Whether it's a giant bubble wand, a singing fish, or a mini disco ball, these whimsical toys are guaranteed to elevate your spirits and bring out your inner child. And really, ya gotta stop ignoring her! She’s been stomping around very loudly these days.

  6. Doodle Revolution: Unleash your inner Picasso 🎨 and let your creativity run wild. Grab a pen, paper, and let the doodling begin! Draw whatever comes to mind, abstract masterpieces, or simply scribble with wild abandon. Your nervous system will thank you for the artistic escape.

  7. If you’re just a sourpuss then you can always lean on Deep Breathing: Take slow, deep breaths, focusing on the sensation of your breath entering and leaving your body. This activates the parasympathetic response and helps calm the nervous system.

Remember, the POINT of these activities are not only meant to create a little joy, but they also help to regulate your nervous system. Laughter releases endorphins, which are natural mood boosters, and it's a fantastic way to alleviate stress and tension.

So, go ahead and embark on your laughter journey, one chuckle at a time. Feel free to share your hilarious adventures with me—your laughter is an ultimate reward!

Wishing you (and me) uncontrollable giggles and an impeccably regulated nervous system!

-Coach Nan


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